Incident Filters

Some requests that handle Incidents allow you to filter returned incidents based on the fields of the incident itself or the entity that generated it.

Incident filters have the following structure:

"filter": [
        // filter

You can also use logical operations $and and $or to combine the filters:

"filter": [
                        // filter
                        // filter
                // filter
                // filter

Available filters

Replace the // filter lines in the examples above to apply these filters.

Incident Fields

The following filters handle the fields of the incident.

Registered time

Use this filter to get incidents that were registered between timestamps specified in from and to.

  "from": 1660734896160,
  "to": 1660738496160

Occurred time

Use this filter to get incidents that occurred between timestamps specified in from and to.

  "from": 1660133723209,
  "to": 1660738523209

Cleared time

Use this filter to get incidents that were cleared between timestamps specified in from and to.

  "from": 1660734972645,
  "to": 1660738572645

Use this filter to get incidents that were generated by a specific entity.

Entity ID has to be prefixed by the entity type — objects-... for objects and links-... for links.



Use this filter to get incidents that have a specified severity.

// Array of severity IDs


Use this filter to get the incidents whose text field matches the specified condition.

Available logical operations:

  • Equals: _eq

  • Not Equals: _neq

  • Matches: _m

  • Contains: _ct

  • Doesn’t contain: _nct

  "value": "Text",
  "op": "_eq"

Acknowledged by

You can return the incidents that have been acknowledged by a specified user.

"5a0b26b8c9a7733f56b01a16"// ID of a user who acknowledged an incident


Use this filter to get the incidents whose comment matches the specified condition.

Available logical operations:

  • Equals: _eq

  • Not Equals: _neq

  • Matches: _m

  • Contains: _ct

  • Doesn’t contain: _nct

  "value": "Comment",
  "op": "_eq"

Transition time

Use this filter to get incidents whose entity last updated its State between timestamps specified in from and to.

  "from": 1660736721329,
  "to": 1660740321329

Field comparison

You can return incidents, whose fields match the specified logical operation.

Fields, available for comparison:

  • Registered time: timestamp

  • Occurred time: localTimestamp

  • Cleared time: clearTimestamp

  • Last state update time: lastStateUpdate

  • Object creation time: created

Available operations:

  • Equals: _eq

  • Not Equals: _neq

  • Matches: _m

  • Contains: _ct

  • Doesn’t contain: _nct


Entity Fields

The following filters handle the fields of entities that generated the incident.


You can filter incidents by the class of the entity that generated them.

"591c4ea02d84db763e226ced"// ID of the class


Use this filter to get the incidents whose specified property matches the specified condition.

Available operations:

  • Equals: _eq

  • Not Equals: _neq

  • Matches: _m

  • Contains: _ct

  • Doesn’t contain: _nct

    "value": "value",
    "property": "property_name",
    "op": "_neq"


With this filter, you can only returned incidents that were generated by the entities that are currently in one of the specified states.

// Array of state IDs


You can use entities' tags to filter incidents.
